Saturday, February 5, 2011

Celebrating 700

My 700th post was 2 posts ago, and I failed to mention anything. Funny thing - this blog. When we started our support raising and training oh so many moons ago - Mike was the primary person who wrote our family blog. He is a serious kind of guy. I really enjoy his blog - it's informative, educational, and always keeps everyone up on what's going on with our family. One day I asked Mike if I could guest write on his blog. He asked what I was going to write on - and I said I wanted to write on our geocaching experience while we were in New York City. He looked at me like I had horns protruding through my head and honey...I knew what that meant. He didn't think it went with the "theme" of our blog. So, I started my own. And through that experience - I've found it more of an on-line journal than anything else. It's just pretty cool that people actually read it. Sometimes it's about my frustrations, other times it's about the ministry, and sometimes it's even about what I've tried to create in my kitchen. Overall it has a flavor of "Erin" to it. So thanks for coming along for the ride - I look forward to many more blogs to come :-)

1 comment:

The McClain's said...

Congrats on your 700th post! Keep 'em coming!!! :)I'm still reading it!