Sunday, November 23, 2008

Graduation In Armenia Bonito

The school year in Honduras runs from the beginning of February to the end of November. So, this week is a big week for graduations. This weekend we attended two graduation parties and one graduation ceremony in Armenia Bonito.

The graduation we attended was a 32 person graduation from sixth grade. This is a big deal in Honduras. Mandatory school ends at sixth grade and 70% of the kids stop attending school at that point.

We attended the ceremony to encourage three of the kids that we have been working with since we got here; Jessica, Roberto and Leili. Leili asked Mike and I to be her Padrinos. This is a special privilege. It is like being her God Parents for the day. We were introduced with Leili and Mike danced with her at the ball.

The relationships we have with these kids is very extraordinary. We feel so privileged to have been in their lives at this special time. We are glad to say that all three plan to attend 7th grade next year.

Leili gets her diploma from her teacher

Jessica gets her diploma from the Director (who is 22)

Roberto gets his class picture from his teacher

Mike dancing with Leili - she was very nervous

Mike dancing with chicitita Jessicita (little bitty Jessica)

32 kids graduating - note the water on the floor - it was pouring rain and the water was streaming through the holes in the tin roof

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