Monday, August 4, 2008


Today we have spent most of the day washing, cleaning, and putting out house to how it was pre-team. We already feel like the house is empty. It took most of the day to wash all the sheets, and clean up. Still have floors to wash, and other things to put away. The team was awesome and left me with many things for future clinics and for the walking clinic I plan on doing. I need to find a permanent home for these things in my closets.

Madison has found a friend! There is a 12-year old boy who lives right near us. He is a Missionary Kid (MK) and is here with his family. They have been here for 3 1/2 years and don't plan on going anywhere! They get along well playing Bionicles, cards, etc. They live walking distance to us! It's been great! A nice young man who Madison will be able to make a long friendship with. Thank you God! This has been a prayer request of mine for over a year!

Tomorrow is more cleaning, and finishing up with stuff! We are hoping to catch Batman sometime this week. We are also beginning the search for that "perfect" puppy :-) Will keep you posted.

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